Constructing Understandings of China: Chinese “Economic Statecraft” from a BRI(tish) Perspective

Our fall event season kicks off with a visit from noted China specialist Shaun Breslin, Co-Editor of the Pacific Review, and Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick in the UK. He has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters, four books and two major research reports, including his latest book, China Risen? Studying Chinese Global Power. Information on all of these, and free access to some of them, can be found on his Warwick University webpage. Joining us as part of the University of Virginia's "Assessment of China's Belt and Road Initiative" Project, Professor Breslin will deliver the talk "Understandings of China: Chinese 'Economic Statecraft' from a BRI(tish) Perspective."
The talk will be held in-person Friday, September 16, 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. in New Cabell Hall 309.
To join the concurrent livestream of the event on Zoom, please register here.