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Gary Allinson
Erik Braun
Jack Chen
Sylvia Chong
Robert Conroy
Dale Copeland
Fred Damon
Caren Freeman
David Germano
Paul Groner
Harry Harding
Gustav Heldt
Natasha Heller
Diane Hoffman
Yunsheng Huang
John Israel
Andrew Johnston
Anne Kinney
Aynne Kokas
Krishan Kumar
Charles Laughlin
David Law
Shiqiao Li
Hsin Hsin Liang
Syaru Shirley Lin
Xiaoyuan Liu
Esther Lorenz
Ariana Maki
Allan Megill
Philip Potter
Allison Pugh
Bradly Reed
Kurtis Schaffer
Leonard Schoppa
Joseph Seeley
John Shepherd
Robert Stolz
Sylvia Tidey
Miao-fen Tseng
Yingyao Wang
Michiko Wilson
Brantly Womack
Dorothy Wong
Dennis T. Yang
Anri Yasuda
Ellen Zhang
Navigating Narratives: Tsurayuki’s Tosa Diary as History and Fiction
Gustav Heldt
Harvard University Press (2024)
Border of Water and Ice: The Yalu River and Japan's Empire in Korea and Manchuria
Joseph Seeley
Cornell University Press (2024)
Markets with Bureaucratic Characteristics: How Economic Bureaucrats Make Policies and Remake the Chinese State
Yingyao Wang
Columbia University Press (2024)
Beauty Matters: Modern Japanese Literature and the Question of Aesthetics, 1890–1930
Anri Yasuda
Columbia University Press (2024)
Buddhist Meditation: Classic Teachings from Tibet
Kurtis Schaffer
Penguin Classics (2024)
Literary History in and beyond China: Reading Text and World
Jack Chen
Harvard University Press (2023)
Chinese Autobiographical Writing: An Anthology of Personal Accounts
Ellen Zhang
University of Washington Press (2023)
Making and Meaning
Ariana Maki
University of Chicago Press (2023)
Himalayan Art in 108 Objects
Ariana Maki
Scala Arts Publishers Inc. (2023)
Authentic Chinese: Textbook 1
Miao-fen Tseng
Phoenix Tree Publishing Inc. (2023)
Recentering Pacific Asia: Regional China and World Order
Brantly Womack
Cambridge University Press (2023)
Dynamics of Interregional Exchange in East Asian Buddhist Art, 5th-13th Century
Dorothy Wong
Vernon Press (2022)
Precepts, Ordinations, and Practice in Medieval Japanese Tendai
Paul Groner
University of Hawaii Press (2022)
Zero Tolerance: Repression and Political Violence on China's New Silk Road
Philip Potter
Cambridge University Press (2022)
Ethics or the Right Thing? Corruption and Care in the Age of Good Governance
Sylvia Tidey
The University of Chicago Press (2022)
Trafficking Data: How China Is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty
Aynne Kokas
Oxford University Press (2022)
Constitutionalism in Context
David Law
Cambridge University Press (2022)
Anecdote, Network, Gossip, Performance: Essays on the Shishuo xinyu
Jack Chen
Harvard University Press (2021)
Empires: A Historical and Political Sociology
Krishan Kumar
Polity (2021)
Literary Information in China: A History
Jack Chen
Columbia University Press (2021)
Typological Drift: Emerging Cities in China
Shiqiao Li
Applied Research & Design (2021)
Typological Drift: Emerging Cities in China
Esther Lorenz
Applied Research & Design (2021)
Teach Chinese Online: An Essential Guide
Miao-fen Tseng
Phoenix Tree Publishing (2021)
Miraculous Images in Asian Traditions
Dorothy Wong
A Handbook of Tasks and Rubrics for Teaching Mandarin Chinese (Volume 3)
Miao-fen Tseng
Phoenix Tree Publishing (2020)
A Handbook of Tasks and Rubrics for Teaching Mandarin Chinese (Volume 2)
Miao-fen Tseng
Phoenix Tree Publishing (2020)
《非对称与国际关系/东方编译所译丛》 上海人民出版社
Brantly Womack
To the End of Revolution: The Chinese Communist Party and Tibet, 1949–1959
Xiaoyuan Liu
Columbia University Press (2020)
Performing Filial Piety in Northern Song China: Family, State, and Native Place
Ellen Zhang
University of Hawai'i Press (2020)
Chinese Funerary Biographies: An Anthology of Remembered Lives
Dennis T. Yang
University of Washington Press (2019)
《 历史知识、历史谬误:当代史学 实践导论》
Allan Megill
Peking University (2019)
Ryogen and Mount Hiei: Japanese Tendai in the Tenth Century (Studies in East Asian Buddhism)
Paul Groner
University of Hawai'i Press (2019)
《总统建筑师:托马斯·杰斐逊(美国建筑启蒙者,一位被总统生涯耽误的建筑大咖)》(The Presidential Architect: Thomas Jefferson and his Architectural Life)
Yunsheng Huang
Phoenix Science Press (2019)
Record of the Listener: Selected Stories from Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi
Dennis T. Yang
Hackett Publishing (2018)
Resurrecting Nagasaki: Reconstruction and the Formation of Atomic Narratives
Chad Diehl
Cornell University Press (2018)
Footbinding as Fashion: Ethnicity, Labor and Status in Traditional China
John Shepherd
University of Washington Press (2018)
The Tumbleweed Society: Working and Caring in an Age of Insecurity
Allison Pugh
Oxford University Press (2018)
Buddhist Pilgrim-Monks as Agents of Cultural and Artistic Transmission: The International Buddhist Art Style in East Asia, ca. 645 – 770
Dorothy Wong
National University Press of Singapore Press (2018)
Festivals of Bumthang District
Ariana Maki
National Library and Archives of Bhutan (2018)
Seeds of Faith: A Comprehensive Guide to the Sacred Places of Bhutan, Volume 3, Bumthang
Ariana Maki
KMT Press (2018)
《边缘地带的革命:中共民族政策的源起(1921-1945)》Bianyuan Didai de Geming: Zhonggong Minzu Zhengce de Yuanqi, 1921-1945 (Revolution at the peripheries: the genesis of the Chinese Communist Party’s policies toward ethnic minorities, 1921-1945)
Xiaoyuan Liu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press (2018)
Meditation, Buddhism, and Science
Erik Braun
Oxford University Press (2017)
Making and Faking Kinship: Marriage and Labor Migration between China and South Korea
Caren Freeman
Cornell University Press (2017)
Hollywood Made in China
Aynne Kokas
University of California Press (2017)
Visions of Empire: How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World
Krishan Kumar
Princeton University Press (2017)
Between Us: Identity and Relationship in Tibetan Contemporary Art
Ariana Maki
Otterbein Univerrsity (2017)
Borderlands in East and Southeast Asia: Emergent Conditions, Relations and Prototypes
Brantly Womack
Routledge (2017)
《边疆中国——二十世纪周边暨民族关系史述》 Frontier China: 20th-century peripheral and interethnic relations. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016.
Xiaoyuan Liu
University of Hong Kong Press (2016)
行万里路:宋代旅行与文化 (Chinese translation of Transformative Journeys: Travel and Culture in Song China)
Ellen Zhang
浙江大学出版社 (2016)
By the River: Seven Contemporary Chinese Novellas
Charles Laughlin
Oklahoma University Press (2016)
<台灣邊疆的治理與政治經濟> Taiwan bianjiang de zhili yuzhengzhi jingji 1600-1800
John Shepherd
National Taiwan University Press (2016)
Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy, and the Flexible Self
Allison Pugh
Oxford University Press (2016)
Taiwan’s China Dilemma: Contested Identities and Multiple Interests in Taiwan’s Cross-Strait Economic Policy
Syaru Shirley Lin
Stanford University Press (2016)
Rethinking the Triangle: Washington, Beijing, Taipei
Brantly Womack
World Scientific Publishing Co (2016)
Trees, Knots, and Outriggers: Environmental Knowledge in the Northeast Kula Ring (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology)
Fred Damon
Berghahn Books (2016)
《边疆中国——二十世纪周边暨民族关系史述》 Frontier China: 20th-century peripheral and interethnic relations
Xiaoyuan Liu
University of Hong Kong Press (2016)
The Life of the Buddha
Kurtis Schaffer
Penguin Classics (2015)
(Re)Collecting the Vietnam War
Sylvia Chong
Asian American Literacy Review (2015)
Asymmetry and International Relationships
Brantly Womack
Cambridge University Press (2015)
Quiet Riot: The Culture of Teaching and Learning in Schools
Diane Hoffman
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2015)
Exemplary Women of Early China: The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang
Anne Kinney
Columbia University Press (2014)
Tosaka Jun: A Critical Reader
Robert Stolz
Cornell University Press (2014)
Bad Water: Nature, Pollution, and Politics in Japan, 1870–1950
Robert Stolz
Duke University Press (2014)
China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-regional Connections
Dorothy Wong
Cambria Press (2014)
Understanding the Chinese City
Shiqiao Li
Sage (2014)
Kowloon Cultural District. An Investigation into Spatial Capabilities in Hong Kong
Esther Lorenz
MCCM Creations (2014)
Kowloon Cultural District, an Investigation into the Spatial Capabilities in Hong Kong
Shiqiao Li
MCM Creations (2014)
The Kojiki An Account of Ancient Matters
Gustav Heldt
Columbia University Press (2014)
A Handbook of Tasks and Rubrics for Teaching Mandarin Chinese (Volume 1)
Miao-fen Tseng
Phoenix Tree Publishing (2014)
China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-regional Connections
Dorothy Wong
Cambria Press (2014)
The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course: Crossing Cultural Boundaries
Hsin Hsin Liang
Routledge (2014)
The Culture of the Book in Tibet
Kurtis Schaffer
Columbia University Press (2014)
China’s Economic Development
Dennis T. Yang
Palgrave Macmillan (2014)
Economic Interdependence and War
Dale Copeland
Princeton University Press (2014)
Illusory Abiding: The Cultural Construction of the Chan Monk Zhongfeng Mingben
Natasha Heller
Harvard University Press (2014)
Artful Contemplation: Collections from the National Museum of Bhutan
Ariana Maki
National Museum of Bhutan (2014)
The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism, and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw
Erik Braun
University of Chicago Press (2013)
Modern Japanese Women Writers as Artists as Cultural Critics
Michiko Wilson
Merwinasia (2013)
Idle Talk: Gossip and Anecdote in Traditional China
Jack Chen
University of California Press (2013)
Sources of Tibetan Tradition
Kurtis Schaffer
Columbia University Press (2013)
The Tibetan History Reader
Kurtis Schaffer
Columbia University Press (2013)
Mercury and the Making of California: Mining, Landscape, and Race, 1840-1890
Andrew Johnston
University of Colorado Press (2013)
The Foundations of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought, 1917-1935
Brantly Womack
China Renmin University Press (2013)
当代西方汉学研究集萃 Dangdai xifang Hanxue yanjiu jicui, sixiang wenhua shi juan (Contemporary Western Sinological Works, Cultural and Intellectual History)
Dennis T. Yang
Death at the Opposite Ends of the Eurasian Continent: Mortality Trends in Taiwan and the Netherlands 1850-1945
John Shepherd
Amsterdam University Press (2012)
Links and Hubs
Esther Lorenz
Chinese University of Hong Kong (2012)
Has China Passed the Lewisian Turning Point? (in Chinese)
Dennis T. Yang
China: Social Sciences Academic Press (2012)
中國石碑:一種象徵形式在佛教傳入之前與之後的運用 (Chinese Steles: Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form, Chinese edition)
Dorothy Wong
Shangwu Press (2011)
Of Birds Crying
Michiko Wilson
Cornell University Press (2011)
The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty
Jack Chen
Harvard University Press (2011)
The Oriental Obscene: Violence and Racial Fantasies in the Vietnam Era
Sylvia Chong
Duke University Press (2011)
Portfolio Management: An Overview
Robert Conroy
CFA Institute (2011)
Recast All Under Heaven: Revolution, War, Diplomacy and Frontier China in the 20th Century
Xiaoyuan Liu
Continuum (2010)
China Among Unequals: Asymmetric Foreign Relationships in Asia
Brantly Womack
World Scientific Publishing Co (2010)
Recast All Under Heaven: Revolution, War, Diplomacy and Frontier China in the 20th Century
Xiaoyuan Liu
Continuum (2010)
And the River Flowed as a Raft of Corpses: The Poetry of Yamaguchi Tsutomu, Survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Chad Diehl
Excogitating Over Coffee Publishing (2010)
Transformative Journeys: Travel and Culture in Song China
Ellen Zhang
University of Hawai'i Press (2010)
The Pursuit of Harmony Poetry and Power in Early Heian Japan
Cornell University Press (2010)
China and Vietnam: The Politics of Asymmetry
Brantly Womack
Cambridge University Press (2009)
Longing and Belonging: Parents, Children, and Consumer Culture
Allison Pugh
University of California Press (2009)
The Making of English National Identity
Krishan Kumar
Cambridge University Press (2009)
The Literature of Leisure and Chinese Modernity
Charles Laughlin
University of Hawai'i Press (2008)
Hōryūji Reconsidered
Dorothy Wong
Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008)
Policy Reform and Chinese Markets: Progress and Challenges. Co-edited with Belton Fleisher
Dennis T. Yang
Edward Elgar Publishing (2008)
History of Indian Buddhism: From Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana (Buddhist Tradition)
Paul Groner
Montilal Banarsidass (2007)
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error: A Contemporary Guide to Practice
Allan Megill
University of Chicago Press (2007)
Reins of Liberation: An Entangled History of Mongolian Independence, Chinese Territoriality, and Great Power Hegemony, 1911–1950
Xiaoyuan Liu
Stanford University Press (2006)
Race for the Exits: The Unraveling of Japan’s System of Social Protection
Leonard Schoppa
Cornell University Press (2006)
Power and Virtue: Architecture and Intellectual Change in England 1660-1730
Shiqiao Li
Routledge (2006)
The Establishment Of The Han Empire And Imperial China
Anne Kinney
Greenwood Publishing Group (2005)
Contested Modernities in Chinese Literature
Charles Laughlin
Palgrave Macmillan (2005)
Dreaming the Great Brahmin: Tibetan Traditions of a Buddhist Poet Saint
Kurtis Schaffer
Oxford University Press (2005)
China and Eastern Europe, 1960–1980s: Proceedings of the International Symposium: Reviewing the Chinese–East European Relations from the 1960s to the 1980s, Beijing, March 24–26, 2004
Xiaoyuan Liu
ETH zurich (2004)
Embodying the Dharma: Buddhist Relic Veneration in Asia
David Germano
SUNY Press (2004)
Japan's Postwar History
Gary Allinson
Cornell University Press (2004)
From Post-Industrial to Post-Modern Society
Krishan Kumar
Wiley-Blackwell (2004)
Chinese Steles: Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form
Dorothy Wong
University of Hawai'i Press (2004)
Himalayan Hermitess: The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun
Kurtis Schaffer
Oxford University Press (2004)
Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China
Anne Kinney
Stanford University Press (2003)
Frontier Passages: Ethnopolitics and the Rise of Chinese Communism, 1921–1945
Xiaoyuan Liu
Stanford University Press (2003)
Power, Politics and the Reinvention of Tradition in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Tibet: Proceedings of the International Association for Tibetan Studies
Kurtis Schaffer
Oxford University Press (2003)
How Far Across the River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium
Dennis T. Yang
Stanford University Press (2003)
Karl Marx: The Burden of Reason (Why Marx Rejected Politics and the Market)
Allan Megill
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2002)
Exploring Nationalisms of China: Themes and Conflicts
Xiaoyuan Liu
Praeger (2002)
The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000
David Germano
Brill's Tibetan Studies Library (2002)
Chinese Reportage: The Aesthetics of Historical Experience
Charles Laughlin
Duke University Press (2002)
Chinese Nationalism in Perspective: Historical and Recent Cases
Xiaoyuan Liu
Praeger (2001)
1989: Revolutionary Ideas and Ideals
Krishan Kumar
University of Minnesota Press (2001)
Among Tibetan Texts: Essays on Tibetan Religion, Literature, and History
Kurtis Schaffer
Wisdom Publications (2001)
Talons and Teeth, County Clerks and Runners in the Qing Dynasty
Bradly Reed
Stanford University Press (2000)
Saicho: The Establishment of the Japanese Tendai School
Paul Groner
University of Hawai'i Press (2000)
The Origins of Major War
Dale Copeland
Cornell University Press (2000)
Lianda: A Chinese University in War and Revolution
John Israel
Stanford University Press (1999)
The Columbia Guide to Modern Japanese History
Gary Allinson
Columbia University Press (1999)
Gender Is Fair Game: (Re)Thinking the (Fe)Male in the Works of Ôba Minako
Michiko Wilson
Bargaining With Japan: What American Pressure Can and Cannot Do
Leonard Schoppa
Columbia University Press (1997)
Public and Private in Thought and Practice
Krishan Kumar
University of Chicago Press (1997)
A Partnership for Disorder: China, the United States, and Their Policies for the Postwar Disposition of the Japanese Empire, 1941–1945
Xiaoyuan Liu
Cambridge University Press (1996)
Chinese Views of Childhood
Anne Kinney
University of Hawaii Press (1995)
Marriage and Mandatory Abortion Among the 17th-Century Siraya
John Shepherd
American Anthropological Association (1995)
Rethinking Objectivity
Allan Megill
Duke University Press (1994)
The Pinch Runner Memorandum
Michiko Wilson
Education Reform in Japan: A Case of Immobilist Politics
Leonard Schoppa
Routledge (1993)
Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier, 1600-1800
John Shepherd
Stanford University Press (1993)
Political Dynamics in Contemporary Japan
Gary Allinson
Cornell University Press (1993)
Utopias and the Millennium
Krishan Kumar
Reaktion Books (1993)
A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China since 1972
Harry Harding
Brookings Institution (1992)
Contemporary Chinese Politics in Historical Perspective
Brantly Womack
Cambridge University Press (1991)
Krishan Kumar
Open University Press (1991)
From Muyuw to the Trobriands: Transformations Along the Northern Side of the Kula Ring
Fred Damon
University of Arizona Press (1990)
The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences: Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public Affairs
Allan Megill
University of Wisconsin Press (1990)
Death Rituals and Life in the Societies of the Kula Ring
Fred Damon
Northern Illinois University Press (1989)
The Rise of Modern Society
Krishan Kumar
Blackwell Publishers (1988)
Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida
Allan Megill
University of California Press (1987)
China’s Second Revolution: Reforming Mao
Harry Harding
Brookings Institution (1987)
Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times
Krishan Kumar
Blackwell Publishers (1987)
Politics in China (Little, Brown series in comparative politics: A country study)
Brantly Womack
The Marginal World of Ôe Kenzaburo: A Study in Themes and Techniques
Michiko Wilson
Dilemmas of Liberal Democracies: Studies in Fred Hirsch's Social Limits to Growth
Krishan Kumar
Tavistock Publications (1983)
The Foundations of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought, 1917-1935
Brantly Womack
University of Hawai'i Press (1982)
Organizing China: The Problem of Bureaucracy, 1949-1966
Harry Harding
Stanford University Press (1981)
Suburban Tokyo: A Comparative Study in Politics and Social Change
Gary Allinson
University of California Press (1979)
Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial Society
Krishan Kumar
Viking Press (1978)
Rebels and Bureaucrats: China's December 9ers
John Israel
University of California Press (1976)
Japanese Urbanism. Industry and Politics in Kariya, 1872 - 1972
Gary Allinson
University of California Press (1975)
The Sage and Society: The Life and Thought of Ho Hsin-Yin
The Sage and Society: The Life and Thought of Ho Hsin-Yin
University of Hawai'i Press (1974)
Revolution: The Theory and Practice of a European Idea
Krishan Kumar
Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1971)
明代研究名錄. A Ming Directory
明代研究名錄. A Ming Directory
Cheng Wen Publishing (1968)
Traditions of Exemplary Women: Liu Xiang's Lienü Zhuan
Anne Kinney