AUC Inaugural Workshops
Friday, February 18, 1pm-4:30pm, and Saturday, February 19, 8am-4:40pm
Rotunda Dome Room, University of Virginia
The set of workshops, convened by Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz, launches the research platform Asian Urbanism Collaborative (AUC) through engaged debate on three thematic areas that we identified as crucial for the thinking about the future city, and the role the Asian City may play in our understanding and shaping of it: Geopolitics, Culture, and Ecology.
The workshops bring together scholars from Asian studies, political science, history, sociology, anthropology, environmental science, urban planning, and practitioners of landscape and architectural design, and are open to all interested faculty, students, and the public to join the conversation. The interdisciplinary group of speakers include Lawrence Chua, Christian de Pee, Camille Frazier, María González Aranguren, Tom Leader, Zhongjie Lin, Gordon Mathews, Paul Rabé, Anne Rademacher, Peter Rowe, Brantly Womack, and Weiping Wu.
For more information and a full schedule, please visit https://asianurbanism.net/AUC-Inaugural-Workshops-February-2022-Rotunda-Dome-Room-UVA
More information about the AUC can be found here: https://asianurbanism.net/ABOUT
Funded by the Buckner W. Clay Endowment for the Humanities (IHGC, UVA) and the Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation (UVA).