Join the East Asia Center for a special Thursday evening panel discussion "The Momentous Changes in Hong Kong, 2019-2021: Through the Eyes of Frontline Journalists."
In this panel discussion, UVA law professor David Law (formerly of Hong Kong University) will introduce and converse with a group of distinguished journalists who all have frontline experience with the recent crackdown of protests in Hong Kong and the implementation of the National Security Law there. Our speakers will include:
Angel Kwan, a journalist in Hong Kong with Ming Pao who formerly worked for Apple Daily, which was Hong Kong’s most popular newspaper until it was forced to close due to the arrest of its founder and senior executives under the National Security Law;
Nina Loh, producer for the English channel of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), Hong Kong's only public broadcaster. Loh has over 20 years media experience spanning print, TV and online;
Suzanne Sataline, who has covered law and civil society in Russia and Hong Kong. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Economist, Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Politico and Quartz. A Columbia graduate, she is a former staff writer at The Wall Street Journal;
Pak Yiu, the Hong Kong correspondent for Nikkei Asia covering business and politics. Previously with Reuters, he reported from Hong Kong on China's crackdown on the democracy movement, and from Beijing where he covered human rights and social issues with a focus on China's crackdown on Xinjiang.
The event will be held online Thursday, March 17, 7:30-9:00 p.m. EST (7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Friday March 18 Hong Kong time)
To register to attend the event, please visit