Videogame as Literary Form? JRPGs and the shishōsetsu
The East Asia Center will be welcoming Rachael Hutchinson, Professor in Japanese Studies and Game Studies at the University of Delaware, for a speaker series lecture entitled "Videogame as Literary Form? JRPGs and the shishōsetsu."
Professor Hutchinson's research addresses representations of Japanese identity in a range of narrative texts – literature, film, manga and videogames. Her major publications are Nagai Kafū's Occidentalism: Defining the Japanese Self, Representing the Other in Modern Japanese Literature: A Critical Approach, Negotiating Censorship in Modern Japan, and The Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature. She has published essays in journals such as Game Studies, Japan Forum, Monumenta Nipponica, Japanese Studies, Well Played, Loading, and Games and Culture, as well as contributing various chapters to books on Japanese games, manga, literature and film.
The talk, co-sponsored by the Institute of the Humanities & Global Cultures will be held Thursday, March 27, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. in New Cabell Hall 236.